
Proprietor’s Blog

Proprietor’s Blog 8/26 We’re all Wine Enthusiasts

August 26, 2022

Hello Winos, I know, so unconventional of me to be writing to you on a Friday instead of a Wednesday, but I wouldn’t be doing so if what I’m about […]

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Proprietor’s Blog 8/10

August 9, 2022

Long time no chat! I apologize for this my wine lovers. I’ve been off the rails busy and haven’t even gotten around to writing out what’s been going out. But […]

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Proprietor’s Blog 6/8 The Talk of France: Terroir

June 8, 2022

Wow, I’ve missed writing to you all, but I hope you know that if I’m not writing to you, it’s because I’m working my little butt off to produce the […]

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Proprietor’s Blog 5/11 Wine Tasting

May 11, 2022
Estate Virtual Tasting

Tastings are fun, aren’t they?! This past week I had a private wine tasting with some of our wines with local amateur winemakers. We laughed, chatted, ate delicious food and […]

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Exciting New Locations for AJA Wines!

May 2, 2022

If you’re dining in Los Angeles, we’ve got some recommendations for you! Our 2016 Malibu Coast Syrah is available in two Mastro’s Restaurants locations. On the menu right now, order […]

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